There are 12 bake shops in Lauderdale County

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Bake shops in Lauderdale County by city

You can use the list below in order to review the closest bake shops in in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not listed here, you can click on the link below to check all the cities and further improve your search.


View all Bake shops in Lauderdale County by City

Popular bake shops in Lauderdale County, MS

The list below contains the most valued businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain detailed info.

Cater's Market, Meridian

gluten free bakery, coffee house

Cater's Market

5201 Highway 493, Meridian, MS, 39305
Chance and Dooleys Donuts Ice Cream & Snoballs, Meridian


Chance and Dooleys Donuts Ice Cream & Snoballs

1308 22nd Ave, Meridian, MS, 39301
Jean's Restaurant, Meridian


Jean's Restaurant

2116 Front St, Meridian, MS, 39301
Lagniappe Bakery & Coffee Shoppe, Meridian

coffee house

Lagniappe Bakery & Coffee Shoppe

725 Front Street Ext, Ste 860, Meridian, MS, 39301
Cookie Store, Meridian


Cookie Store

1520 Bonita Lakes Cir, Meridian, MS, 39301
Dolly Madison Cake CO, Meridian


Dolly Madison Cake CO

625 49th Ave, Meridian, MS, 39307
Earthgrains Baking Company Inc - Discount Store, Meridian


Earthgrains Baking Company Inc - Discount Store

816 18th Ave S, Meridian, MS, 39301
Flower's Thrift Store, Meridian


Flower's Thrift Store

2410 Highway 39 N, Meridian, MS, 39301
Flowers Baking Company, Meridian


Flowers Baking Company

2633 Sellers Dr, Meridian, MS, 39301
King Bakery Deb's Fountain & Statuary, Meridian


King Bakery Deb's Fountain & Statuary

10452 Highway 494, Meridian, MS, 39305