There are 13 bake shops in Lafourche Parish

Check the map under these lines in order to situate all the bakeries in the Lafourche Parish. Numbers indicate when there are more than one business in the same area. Zoom in or out to see where they are placed in detail.

Bake shops in Lafourche Parish by city

You can check the list below to see the nearest businesses in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not included in this list, you can click a little lower to see all the locations and further refine your search.


View all Bake shops in Lafourche Parish by City

Popular bake shops in Lafourche Parish, LA

The list you will find under these lines contains the most valued businesses in the area of this county. Click on an item to get detailed information.

Ninette's Cake Shop, Thibodaux

cake shop

Ninette's Cake Shop

118 Mark Ln, Thibodaux, LA, 70301
Cake Shop, Lockport

cake shop

Cake Shop

305 Crescent Ave, Lockport, LA, 70374
Rob's Donut Shop, Thibodaux

donut shop

Rob's Donut Shop

1001 Saint Mary St, Thibodaux, LA, 70301
Caldwell Sugars Laboratory, Thibodaux


Caldwell Sugars Laboratory

2621 Highway 304, Thibodaux, LA, 70301
Lafourche Sugar LLC, Thibodaux


Lafourche Sugar LLC

141 Leighton Quarters Rd, Thibodaux, LA, 70301
Producers AG Finance Inc, Thibodaux


Producers AG Finance Inc

1275 Highway 304, Thibodaux, LA, 70301
Raceland Sugars Inc - Administrative OFC, Raceland


Raceland Sugars Inc - Administrative OFC

159 Milli St, Raceland, LA, 70394
Dot's Cake & Sweet Shop, Galliano


Dot's Cake & Sweet Shop

17605 Highway 3235, Galliano, LA, 70354
Duet's Bakery, Galliano


Duet's Bakery

18134 W Main St, Galliano, LA, 70354
Evangeline Maid Bread, Thibodaux


Evangeline Maid Bread

1102 Highway 3185, Thibodaux, LA, 70301