If you visit Cumberland County you will be able to find a total of 79 bakeries that cover all the specialties: french bakers, breakfast places, coffee houses... We invite you to check the listings below to access detailed info of closest businesses.


Found 79 bakeries in Cumberland County

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Browse Cumberland County bakeries by cities

You can check the list under these lines to see the nearest bakeries in the different cities of this county. If the city you are looking for is not included in this list, you can click on the link below to check all the cities and further refine your search.


View all Bakeries in Cumberland County by City

Most Popular bakeries discovered in Cumberland County, ME

The list below contains the most valued businesses in the vicinity of this county. Click on an item to obtain detailed info.

Dunkin' Donuts, South Portland

coffee house, restaurant

Dunkin' Donuts

325 Gorham Rd, South Portland, ME, 04106
Panera Bread, South Portland

coffee house

Panera Bread

343 Gorham Rd, South Portland, ME, 04106
Nissen John J, Portland


Nissen John J

413 Presumpscot St, Portland, ME, 04103
Sweet Creations, South Portland


Sweet Creations

196 Highland Ave, South Portland, ME, 04106
Tim Hortons, South Portland


Tim Hortons

291 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME, 04106
Mrs Fields Cookies, Portland


Mrs Fields Cookies

612 Maine Mall, Portland, ME, 04106
Thread of the Mill Farm, Gray


Thread of the Mill Farm

212 Shaker Rd, Gray, ME, 04039
Sophia's, Portland



81 Market St, Portland, ME, 04101
Standard Baking CO, Portland


Standard Baking CO

75 Commercial St, Portland, ME, 04101
Portland Square Cafe, Portland

coffee house

Portland Square Cafe

1 Portland Sq, Ste 1, Portland, ME, 04101