Near the municipality of Coffman Cove you will find various bakeries specialized in several products: random(pies, bread, cupcakes, breakfasts)... Please review the list below to obtain a brief preview of all bakers near this city. Each preview shows the business name and location, their specialties, a short description and user's rating (if any). You can also use the map on the right to locate the businesses.

Bakeries in surrounding Coffman Cove area

Emily's, Petersburg



1000 S Nordic Dr, Petersburg, AK, 99833

55.2 miles from Coffman Cove

Would you like to buy some food products in Petersburg, Coffman Cove? Emily's provides that and much more in this area. You'll find them in 1000 S Nordic Dr, Petersburg, AK, 99833.

Safeway Food & Drug - Bakery, Ketchikan

coffee house, healthy bakery

Safeway Food & Drug - Bakery

2417 Tongass Ave, Ketchikan, AK, 99901

64.3 miles from Coffman Cove

Safeway Food & Drug - Bakery is a coffee house and a healthy bakery based in [city].