Oops, it seems like we have not found any bakery in Mitchell County. But do not give up, we have other options closer to you than you think.


Map of bakeries closest to this county

Although we haven't found any bakeries in this county, we offer you view this map to find the nearest ones in a very visual way.

List of cities in Mitchell County

These are all the municipalities belonging to this county, browse through the listing if you wish to see the nearest bakeries to them.


View all Bakeries in Mitchell County by City

Top bakeries closest to this county

Unfortunately there are no bakeries in Mitchell County, but we offer you to visit these others in nearby counties.

Earthgrains Company, Osborne


Earthgrains Company

113 S Elm St, Osborne, KS, 67473
Gracie's Girls, Russell


Gracie's Girls

826 N Main St, Russell, KS, 67665
Lola's Bridal Parties and More, Salina


Lola's Bridal Parties and More

415 E Prescott Ave, Salina, KS, 67401
Rainbo Bread, Salina


Rainbo Bread

748 Duvall Ave, Salina, KS, 67401
Rainbo Bakery Outlet Store, Salina


Rainbo Bakery Outlet Store

748 Duvall Ave, #b, Salina, KS, 67401
Carol Lee Donut's, Salina


Carol Lee Donut's

104 S 5th St, Salina, KS, 67401
Wonder Hostess Thrift Shop, Salina


Wonder Hostess Thrift Shop

1333 Beverly Dr, Salina, KS, 67401
Capers Cafe & Bakery, Salina

coffee house

Capers Cafe & Bakery

109 N Santa Fe Ave, Salina, KS, 67401
Rainbo Bakery Store, Salina


Rainbo Bakery Store

301 W Ash St, Salina, KS, 67401
Cookie Company, Salina


Cookie Company

Central Mall, Salina, KS, 67401